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Call 800-483-7079 Today!


The Unrivaled Provider of Manufacturing Cash Flow

Opportunities abound for manufacturers who have the cash flow to meet new demand from new customers. Unlike a bank loan or a line of credit, accounts receivable funding is limited only by how much you can produce. Go on. Tackle that huge order. If Eagle approves your customer, you’ll be paid the same day we receive your invoice, and we’ll cover you if the customer doesn’t pay. Eagle’s steady, reliable cash flow helps you to do more work for more customers. That means real growth for your business.


The Eagle Difference

Our manufacturing invoice factoring process gives you an easy solution to your manufacturing business cash flow requirements. With Eagle, you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have debt protection through a true non-recourse program that is customized to suit your unique needs. Want to see why so many people are raving about Eagle’s services? Let’s discuss your business cash flow needs. Call us today at 800-483-7079.


“Eagle does all the legwork. They make it easy for us.”

- Wesley, Transportation

“I recommend Eagle to friends all the time. They’ve never let us down.”

- Michael, Transportation

“Right off the bat, I heard bad things about factoring companies, but Eagle is great. They’ve taken care of us. We wouldn’t still be in business without Eagle.”

- Michelle, Transportation

“We got in a bind and exhausted our working capital. Eagle helped restore it.”

- Mark, Security